Contact us
School of Psychology
McElwain Building (24A)
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072
General enquiries
P: +61 (7) 3365 6803 or +61 (7) 3346 7562
Tulsi Achia PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Pablo Alcota Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland |
Belen Alvarez Research Assistant PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Professor Fiona Kate Barlow Australian Research Council Future Fellow Professor of Social Psychology
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 336 56354 |
Tama Barry PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Professor Brock Bastian Professor in Psychology Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences
The University of Melbourne |
+61 3 8344 8880 |
Dr Sarah Bentley Research Scientist
+61 7 334 69563 |
Dr William Bingley Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The University of Queensland |
Niamh Dawson Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Psychology
The University of Queensland |
Sarah Blessing | |
Lisa Blockx Phd Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Professor Nyla Branscome University Distinguished Professor
The University of Kansas |
Professor Wendy Brown | |
Sophie Cameron Research Assistant
The University of Queensland |
Associate Professor Magnolia Cardona Associate Professor in Implementation Science
The University of Queensland |
Dr Molly Carlyle | |
Alicia Carter Research Assistant MPsychHealth Candidate, PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
James Casey PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Associate Professor Cassandra Chapman ARC DECRA
School of Business, The University of Queensland |
Axel Chemke-Dreyfus Research Assistant
2024 SIGN Student Representative Phd Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Tessa Clarkson PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Peter Coffee Senior Lecturer in Sports Psychology
The University of Stirling |
James Coleman PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Karen Collier SIGNify Centre Coordinator
The University of Queensland |
07 3365 6803 |
Professor Claire Côte Director
Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry Group Leader
Environmental Excellence through the Mining Cycle |
+61 7 3346 4061 |
Dr Sophie Coulon Postdoctoral Research Fellow
ARC Training Centre for Behavioural Insights for Technology Adoption (BITA), QUT |
Natalie Craig Research Assistant PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Charlie Crimston Lecturer School of Medicine and Psychology
Australian National University |
Professor Tegan Cruwys NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow Professor in Psychology
The Australian National University |
Michael Dare PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Professor Dick de Gilder Professor in Psychology
Utrecht University, The Netherlands |
Professor Genevieve Dingle | |
Abby Edwards 2023 SIGN Student Representative PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Professor Naomi Ellemers Professor In Psychology
Utrecht University, The Netherlands |
Professor Kelly Fielding Professor of Communications
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 336 51125 |
Dr Martin Fladerer | |
Polly Fong PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Jonas Fooken | |
Dr Aoife Marie Foran SIGN Centre Co-Deputy Director Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The University of Queensland and University of Limerick |
Dr Andrew Frain Teaching Fellow, Strategic & Defence Studies Centre
Australian National University |
Dr Andrew Frain Teaching Fellow, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre
The Australian National University |
Associate Professor Katrien Fransen Associate Professor of Performance Psychology
KU Leuven |
Professor Paul Gilbert | |
Professor Nicholas Gilson | |
Dr Katharine Greenaway ARC Future Fellow Senior Lecturer in Psychology
University of Melbourne |
Sophie Griffiths 2025 SIGN Student Representative PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Robyn Gulliver | |
Dr Chris Hartley Lecturer in Sports Psychology
The University of Stirling |
Professor Alex Haslam SIGNify Co-Director Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 334 67345 |
Professor Catherine Haslam SIGNify Director Professor of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Neuropsychology
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 334 67565 |
Professor Maureen Hassall Professor, Research Fellow & Centre Director
Sustainable Minerals Institute |
+61 7 334 64081 |
Shaun Hayes PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Rowena Hill | |
Milo Holmes Research Assistant
The University of Queensland |
Professor Matthew Hornsey | |
Jennifer Hunter MPsychClin Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Octavia Ionescu | |
Christienne Javier PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Professor Jolanda Jetten SIGNify Co-Director Professor of Social Psychology
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 336 56220 |
Susan Johnston Director
Leading for High Reliability Centre |
+61 448 114 818 |
Professor Tim Kastelle Professor and Centre Director
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology |
+61 7 334 68831 |
Charlotte Keenan PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Lee Rae (Lena) Kim PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr James Kirby | |
Dr Kelly Kirkland SIGN Centre Co-Deputy Director Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland |
Dr Christoph Klebl Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland |
Sally Knox 2023 SIGN Student Representative PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Henning Krug | |
Dr Crystal La Rue Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland |
Dr Ben Lam Lecturer Psychological Science Psychology
La Trobe University |
Joel Larwood Research Assistant PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Professor Brian Lickel | |
Professor Winnifred Louis Professor of Social Psychology
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 334 69515 |
Dr Mischel Luong The University of Queensland |
Professor Cliff Mallett School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
The University of Queensland |
Dr Mazlan Maskor Lecturer, School of Management
Queensland University of Technology |
Christina Maxwell PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Christine McCoy Project Coordinator
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 334 67562 |
James McEwan PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Kate McKay Research Assistant PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Blake McMillan PhD candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Niamh McNamara Nottingham Trent University |
Naomi Mecklenburgh 2023 SIGN Student Representative PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Gregore Mielke | |
Zahra Mirnajafi The University of Queensland |
A/Professor Tyree Mitchell Associate Professor in the School of Leadership & Human Resource Development
Louisiana State University |
Teegan Modderman Director Psychological Health PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Frank Mols Senior Lecturer in Political Science and Political Psychology
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 336 59024 |
Professor Karin Moser Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology / Organisational Behaviour
UniDistance Suisse, Switzerland |
Katie Munt PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Eunike Mutiara PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Teresa Nguyen SIGN Student Representative 2020 PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Lewis Nitschinsk Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland |
Dr Zoe Papinczak | |
Associate Professor Stacey Parker Associate Professor, School of Psychology
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 336 56423 |
Shengrui Peng PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Professor Kim Peters Associate Professor in Human Resource Management
University of Exeter |
Professor Michael Platow | |
Dr Annie Pohlman | |
Dr Joanne Rathbone Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Australian National University |
Jordan Reutas Organisational Psychologist PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Debbie Roberts Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The University of Queensland |
Professor Sebastian Schuh Professor in Organizational Behavior
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) |
Hannah Schuurs 2025 SIGN Student Representative PhD candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Hema Preya Selvanathan Senior Lecturer (Social Psychology)
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 336 56411 |
Magen Seymour-Smith PhD Candidate, Tutor, Sessional lecturer
The University of Queensland |
Dr Daniel Skorich Researcher
The Australian National University |
Associate Professor Nik Steffens Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow Associate Professor Organisational Psychology
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 334 69555 |
Professor Clifford Stevenson | |
Dr Mai Tanjitpiyanond The University of Queensland |
Hannibal Thai PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Michael Thai SIGN Centre Director Lecturer in Social Psychology
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland |
Associate Professor Eric Vanman | |
Dr Juliet Wakefield Nottingham Trent University |
Dr Zoe Walter Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology
The University of Queensland |
+61 7 344 32569 |
Xiaotian Wang PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Dr Zhechen Wang Postdoctoral Researcher,
Fudan University, Shanghai, China |
Naomi Westwood Research Partnerships Manager
SIGNify and the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences |
Dr Susilo Wibisono Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The University of Queensland |
Dr Tarli Young Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland |
Dr Renee Zahnow Criminology Lecturer
School of Social Science, The University of Queensland |
+61 7 336 52167 |
Ye Zhang PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland |
Anna Zinn |