Tulsi Achia
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Dr Pablo Alcota
Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland
Belen Alvarez
Belen Alvarez
Research Assistant
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Professor Fiona Kate Barlow
Professor Fiona Kate Barlow
Australian Research Council Future Fellow
Professor of Social Psychology
The University of Queensland
+61 7 336 56354
Tama Barry
Tama Barry
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Professor Brock Bastian
Professor Brock Bastian
Professor in Psychology
Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences
The University of Melbourne
+61 3 8344 8880
Dr Sarah Bentley
Dr Sarah Bentley
Research Scientist
+61 7 334 69563
Dr William Bingley
Dr William Bingley
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The University of Queensland
Niamh Dawson
Niamh Dawson
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Psychology
The University of Queensland
Sarah Blessing
Lisa Blockx
Lisa Blockx
Research Assistant
Phd Candidate
The University of Queensland
Professor Nyla Branscome
Professor Nyla Branscome
University Distinguished Professor
The University of Kansas
Professor Wendy Brown
Sophie Cameron
Sophie Cameron
Research Assistant
The University of Queensland
Associate Professor Magnolia Cardona
Associate Professor Magnolia Cardona
Associate Professor in Implementation Science
The University of Queensland
Dr Molly Carlyle
Alicia Carter
Alicia Carter
Research Assistant
MPsychHealth Candidate, PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
James Casey
James Casey
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Associate Professor Cass Chapman
Associate Professor Cassandra Chapman
School of Business, The University of Queensland
Axel Chemke-Dreyfus
Axel Chemke-Dreyfus
Research Assistant
2024 SIGN Student Representative
Phd Candidate
The University of Queensland
Image of Tessa Clarkson
Tessa Clarkson
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Dr Peter Coffee
Dr Peter Coffee
Senior Lecturer in Sports Psychology
The University of Stirling
James Coleman
James Coleman
Research Assistant
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Karen Collier
Karen Collier
SIGNify Centre Coordinator
The University of Queensland
07 3365 6803
Professor Claire Côte
Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry
Group Leader
Environmental Excellence through the Mining Cycle
+61 7 3346 4061
Sophie Coulon
Dr Sophie Coulon
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
ARC Training Centre for Behavioural Insights for Technology Adoption (BITA), QUT
Natalie Craig
Natalie Craig
Research Assistant
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Dr Charlie Crimston
Dr Charlie Crimston
School of Medicine and Psychology
Australian National University
Associate Professor Tegan Cruwys
Professor Tegan Cruwys
NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow
Professor in Psychology
The Australian National University
Michael Dare
Research Assistant
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Professor Dick de Gilder
Professor Dick de Gilder
Professor in Psychology
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Professor Genevieve Dingle
Image of Abby Edwards
Abby Edwards
2023 SIGN Student Representative
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Professor Naomi Ellemers
Professor In Psychology
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Professor Kelly Fielding
Professor Kelly Fielding
Professor of Communications
The University of Queensland
+61 7 336 51125
Dr Martin Fladerer
Polly Fong
Polly Fong
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Dr Jonas Fooken
Dr Aoife Marie Foran
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The University of Queensland and University of Limerick
Dr Andrew Frain
Dr Andrew Frain
Teaching Fellow, Strategic & Defence Studies Centre
Australian National University
Dr Andrew Frain
Teaching Fellow, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre
The Australian National University
Katrien Fransen
Associate Professor Katrien Fransen
Associate Professor of Performance Psychology
KU Leuven
Professor Paul Gilbert
Professor Nicholas Gilson
Dr Katharine Greenaway
Dr Katharine Greenaway
ARC Future Fellow
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
University of Melbourne
Dr Robyn Gulliver
Dr Chris Hartley
Dr Chris Hartley
Lecturer in Sports Psychology
The University of Stirling
Professor Alex Haslam
Professor Alex Haslam
SIGN Director, SIGNify Co-Director
Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology
The University of Queensland
+61 7 334 67345
Professor Catherine Haslam
Professor Catherine Haslam
SIGNify Director
Professor of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Neuropsychology
The University of Queensland
+61 7 334 67565
Professor Maureen Hassall
Professor, Research Fellow & Centre Director
Sustainable Minerals Institute
+61 7 334 64081
Shaun Hayes
Shaun Hayes
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Dr Rowena Hill
Milo Holmes
Milo Holmes
Research Assistant
The University of Queensland
Professor Matthew Hornsey
Jennifer Hunter
MPsychClin Candidate
The University of Queensland
Octavia Ionescu
Christienne Javier
Christienne Javier
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Professor Jolanda Jetten
SIGNify Co-Director
Professor of Social Psychology
The University of Queensland
+61 7 336 56220
Susan Johnston
Leading for High Reliability Centre
+61 448 114 818
Professor Tim Kastelle
Professor and Centre Director
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
+61 7 334 68831
Charlotte Keenan
Charlotte Keenan
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Lee Rae (Lena) Kim
Lee Rae (Lena) Kim
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Dr James Kirby
Dr Kelly Kirkland
Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland
Dr Christoph Klebl
Dr Christoph Klebl
SIGN Co-Deputy Director
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland
Sally Knox
Sally Knox
2023 SIGN Student Representative
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Henning Krug
Dr Crystal La Rue
Dr Crystal La Rue
Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland
Dr Ben Lam
Dr Ben Lam
Lecturer Psychological Science Psychology
La Trobe University
Joel Larwood
Joel Larwood
Research Assistant
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Professor Brian Lickel
Professor Winnifred Louis
Professor Winnifred Louis
Professor of Social Psychology
The University of Queensland
+61 7 334 69515
Mischel Luong
Dr Mischel Luong
Research Assistant
The University of Queensland
Professor Cliff Mallett
Professor Cliff Mallett
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
The University of Queensland
Dr Mazlan Maskor
Lecturer, School of Management
Queensland University of Technology
Christina Maxwell
Christina Maxwell
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Christine McCoy
Christine McCoy
Project Coordinator
The University of Queensland
+61 7 334 67562
Image of James McEwan
James McEwan
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Kate McKay
Kate McKay
Research Assistant
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Image of Blake McMillan
Blake McMillan
SIGNify Industry Engagement Manager (part-time)
The University of Queensland
Dr Niamh McNamara
Dr Niamh McNamara
Nottingham Trent University
Naomi Mecklenburgh
Naomi Mecklenburgh
2023 SIGN Student Representative
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Dr Gregore Mielke
Zahra Mirnajafi
Zahra Mirnajafi
The University of Queensland
Teegan Modderman
Teegan Modderman
Director Psychological Health
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Dr Frank Mols
Dr Frank Mols
Senior Lecturer in Political Science and Political Psychology
The University of Queensland
+61 7 336 59024
Professor Karin Moser
Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology / Organisational Behaviour
UniDistance Suisse, Switzerland
Katie Munt
Katie Munt
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Eunike Mutiara
Eunike Mutiara
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Teresa Nguyen
Teresa Nguyen
SIGN Student Representative 2020
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Dr Zoe Papinczak
Stacey Parker
Associate Professor Stacey Parker
Associate Professor, School of Psychology
The University of Queensland
+61 7 336 56423
Professor Kim Peters
Professor Kim Peters
Associate Professor in Human Resource Management
University of Exeter
Professor Michael Platow
Dr Annie Pohlman
Dr Joanne Rathbone
Dr Joanne Rathbone
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Australian National University
Jordan Reutas
Jordan Reutas
Organisational Psychologist
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Debbie Roberts
Dr Debbie Roberts
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The University of Queensland
Professor Sebastian Schuh
Professor Sebastian Schuh
Professor in Organizational Behavior
China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
Dr Hema Preya Selvanathan
Dr Hema Preya Selvanathan
Lecturer (Social Psychology)
The University of Queensland
+61 7 336 56411
Magen Seymour-Smith
Magen Seymour-Smith
PhD Candidate, Tutor, Sessional lecturer
The University of Queensland
Dr Daniel Skorich
The Australian National University
Associate Professor Nik Steffens
Associate Professor Nik Steffens
Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow
Associate Professor Organisational Psychology
The University of Queensland
+61 7 334 69555
Professor Clifford Stevenson
Dr Mai Tanjitpiyanond
Dr Mai Tanjitpiyanond
The University of Queensland
Hannibal Thai
Hannibal Thai
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Dr Michael Thai
Dr Michael Thai
Lecturer Developmental Psychology
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland
Associate Professor Eric Vanman
Dr Juliet Wakefield
Dr Juliet Wakefield
Nottingham Trent University
Dr Zoe Walter
Lecturer in Health Psychology
The University of Queensland
+61 7 344 32569
Dr Zhechen Wang
Postdoctoral Researcher,
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Naomi Westwood
Naomi Westwood
Research Partnerships Manager
SIGNify and the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Susilo Wibisono
Dr Susilo Wibisono
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The University of Queensland
Dr Tarli Young
Dr Tarli Young
SIGN Co-Deputy Director
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland
Dr Renee Zahnow
Dr Renee Zahnow
Criminology Lecturer
School of Social Science, The University of Queensland
+61 7 336 52167
Ye Zhang
Ye Zhang
PhD Candidate
The University of Queensland
Anna Zinn