The Leading for High Reliability Centre (LHRC) brings together researchers from across the University interested in using High Reliability Organisational (HRO) thinking to improve outcomes across such fields as safety and health, sustainability, and environmental performance.
A significant component of our work is the conduct of HRO diagnostic assessments. These assessments provide organisations with a detailed, evidence based, summary of organisational strengths and improvement opportunities. Each assessment comes with recommendations on how organisational reliability can be enhanced. LHRC team members have provided HRO diagnostic assessment advice to multiple companies.
Our research also encompasses:
- Identification of the most effective ways to lead for organisational reliability.
- Development of robust organisational improvement plans.
- Measuring organisational improvement.
- Devising tailored approaches to improving organisational delivery on environmental, sustainability, risk, safety and health, and cybersecurity goals.
Project members
Centre Director
Steering Committee