GROUPS 4 HEALTH is a program that has now been tested in:

  • Phase I (proof of concept),
  • Phase II (RCT comparing G4H with treatment-as-usual), and
  • Phase III (RCT comparing G4H with group CBT) clinical trials.

These studies show that G4H: (i) reduces loneliness and improves mental health, (ii) is better than treatment as usual in reducing social anxiety and increasing group belonging, and (iii) offers better protection against loneliness relapse than CBT.

Published research:

Additional publications:

Project members

Professor Catherine Haslam

Professor Catherine Haslam

SIGNify Director
Professor of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Neuropsychology
The University of Queensland
Associate Professor Tegan Cruwys

Professor Tegan Cruwys

NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow
Professor in Psychology
The Australian National University
Dr Sarah Bentley

Dr Sarah Bentley

Research Scientist
Professor Alex Haslam

Professor Alex Haslam

SIGNify Co-Director
Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology
The University of Queensland

Professor Jolanda Jetten

SIGNify Co-Director
Professor of Social Psychology
The University of Queensland