This Early Career Academic (ECA) project aims to understand the impact that workgroup culture has on the experiences of early career academics and researchers — focusing in particular on staff well-being and the factors that contribute to intentions to stay in the sector. The project team are researchers from The University of Queensland and The University of Exeter who have been supported by the Researcher Development Team at The University of Queensland. Through a mixed-method research design we draw on the social identity approach and its methodologies to determine the key identities that shape ECA experiences and their well-being.

Published research and reports:

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Project members

Chief Investigators

Professor Catherine Haslam

Professor Catherine Haslam

SIGNify Director
Professor of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Neuropsychology
The University of Queensland
Stacey Parker

Associate Professor Stacey Parker

Associate Professor, School of Psychology
The University of Queensland

Professor Jolanda Jetten

SIGNify Co-Director
Professor of Social Psychology
The University of Queensland
Dr Tarli Young

Dr Tarli Young

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland

Research Fellows

Niamh Dawson

Niamh Dawson

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Psychology
The University of Queensland
Debbie Roberts

Dr Debbie Roberts

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The University of Queensland