Social connections are what drive us as human beings.
They shape who we are, what we believe and value, what motivates us and the kind of goals we pursue in life. Taking this insight as a starting point, SIGN’s research and SIGNIFY’s interventions are based on a simple proposition: that by unlocking the power of our social connections we can enhance performance and health in our workplaces, our institutions, and our communities.
Latest news
- SIGN's The New Psychology of Health: Unlocking the Social Cure wins the British Psychological Society's Best Textbook Award for 2020.
- Researchers from the SIGN group are working with the House of Commons in the UK to adapt and deliver their award-winning 5R leadership development program for parliamentary staff.
- SIGN's researcher, Dr Hema Selvanathan, featured in volume 29 of The Peace Psychologist.
Visit us
The University of Queensland
St Lucia QLD 4067