A series of SIGNpost events focusing on social identity research and its successful translation into industry, community, healthcare and education settings.
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The first SIGNpost seminar will be an online event focused on how social identity research can be translated and applied in industry, community, healthcare and educational contexts to tackle loneliness.
The event will include:
- Discussions on why identity matters for social connection, health and well-being.
- Demonstration of a new tool, social identity mapping, to measure social connection.
- Introduce our evidence-based programs for managing connection.
The speakers for this event are:
Catherine Haslam is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Queensland. She has 15 years of experience as a practicing clinical psychologist and 20 years as a clinical academic. Her research focuses on the social and cognitive consequences of identity-changing life transitions (e.g., trauma, illness and recovery, retirement, aging) and interventions that can be used to manage these. In particular, her research on social connectedness, health and well-being has contributed to a body of work on the social cure that has been published in two volumes on which she is either co- or lead-author — Social Cure: Identity, Health and Well-being (2012) and The New Psychology of Health: Unlocking the Social Cure (2018). It has also informed an intervention that helps people to build their social connectedness in ways that enhance health (Groups 4 Health).Catherine has also recently joined the Scientific Advisory Committee of Ending Loneliness Together.
Sarah Bentley is a Research Fellow at The University of Queensland. Sarah’s research targets three domains: the psychometric articulation and measurement of social connectedness; assessing the impact of connectedness on psychological function and well-being; and working collaboratively with stakeholders in educational, clinical, and organisational domains to design, deliver and validate psychological interventions, and with a particular emphasis on digital deliveries. Sarah was awarded the SASP Outstanding Postgraduate Research Excellence Award, and since her PhD was awarded in 2019, she has produced 12 peer reviewed journal articles, and 4 book chapters, and with over 100 citations.
The allocation for this event is currently at capacity. However, if you would like to be placed on the waiting list, informed of future SIGN events and activities or wish to request further information regarding the SIGNpost seminar series, please contact us.